Bellingen Shire Tourism and Branding
The Bellingen Shire has an opportunity to define who and what we are for our visitors, in a way that sets us apart from others and directed by the values and aspirations of the community.
‘Destination’ branding is about identifying the region’s strongest and most competitive assets in the eyes of its prospective visitors. It brings together the social, cultural and natural dimensions of place that appeals emotionally to the visitor. A brand identifies and distinguishes a destination and communicates its image, encouraging like-minded visitors to experience the attributes that make the destination attractive.
A well-developed brand for the Shire can achieve many things:
To not determine a destination brand on a long-term basis gives permission for others to do it for you.
The Bellingen Shire Branding Strategy(PDF, 27MB) and Tourism Brand Guidelines(PDF, 4MB) are available for you to make use of our destination brand.
If your organisation or business would like to use the Bellingen Shire brand, simply complete the request form below. The form will be sent to the appropriate Officer for authorisation who will then provide you with a link to access the brand guidelines, logos and other elements, including a photo library.