Ageing Well Strategy


The Bellingen Shire Council  Ageing Well Strategy 2024-2028 emphasises the vital role our older residents play in our community.

Bellingen Shire Council is committed to implementing initiatives that contribute to an age-friendly shire, ensure residents can get around easily and safely, foster social connections, enhance access to services and information and provide suitable housing options for our ageing population.

The Strategy has been informed through research into federal government policies on ageing, national and international best practice, and in consultation with the Bellingen Shire community using surveys and focus groups with residents aged over 65 years (or 55 years and over for Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander People), carers and professionals working with older people and consultation with Council staff.

The Strategy outlines actions for Council and the community around 3 key focus areas: Liveability in an Age-Friendly Environment, Participating and Connecting, and Staying active.

Over the next four years, Council will work collaboratively to address the evolving needs of Bellingen Shire’s older residents to ensure they continue to thrive in the community.

You can read The Strategy here:

Ageing-Well-Strategy-2024-2028.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

Access and Inclusion Reference Group

We value community input. If you wish to be part of a Reference Group that Council will engage with to seek input on the actions outlined in this Strategy please complete the Access and Inclusion Reference Group Form, call 6655 7300 or mail