Bellingen Youth Hub
The Bellingen Youth Hub supports young people in the community. It provides access to programs, services, activities and resources that supports wellbeing and positive outcomes for young people in the community.
Bellingen Playgroup
Bellingen community playgroup is for babies, toddlers, and preschool kids, along with their carers. A place for parents and kids to learn, have fun, and make friends in the community. Supporting young families, running activities for small children, making friends.
Bellingen Men's Shed
The Bellingen Men's Shed is a welcoming space where men of all ages can connect, share skills, and work on meaningful projects. Promoting mental well-being, social connection, and hands-on creativity, the shed provides a supportive environment for learning, friendship, and community service.
Community Transport
Community Transport Company (CTC) provides safe, reliable, and accessible transport for seniors, people with disabilities, and those with limited mobility. The dedicated team of drivers and volunteers help connect the community to essential services, medical appointments, and social outings. CTC is always looking for volunteers who would like to drive cars, commuters or larger vehicles for social outings and regular passenger requirements on a casual basis.
Country Women's Association (CWA)
The Country Women’s Association (CWA) is a group of women dedicated to supporting the community through advocacy, fundraising, and friendship. Volunteers work to improve the lives of women, children, and families while celebrating local culture and skills.
- Bellingen Branch
- Email:
- Phone: 6655 1231
Dorrigo Branch
- Email:
Urunga Branch
- Email:
- Phone: 0410 642 603
Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire (NCoBS)
NCOBS provide vital support, connection, and resources to individuals and families in the Bellingen Shire community. Services include emergency relief, social programs, and advocacy. Centres are located in Bellingen, Urunga, and Dorrigo.
Red Cross
The Bellingen Red Cross are a dedicated team of volunteers committed to supporting the community through emergency relief, social connection programs, and fundraising efforts. Volunteers provide aid in times of crisis or offer a helping hand to those in need.
- Contact Angela Slater: 6655 0228
- Email:
Royal Freemasons Benevolent Society (RFBI)
RFBI provides high-quality aged care and retirement living services, supporting older Australians with compassion and dignity. With a strong community focus, RFBI Bellingen offers residential care, independent living options, and wellbeing programs to ensure a comfortable and fulfilling life for seniors.
St Vincent de Paul - Sacred Heart Conference
The Vinnies Conference Programs focus on helping those experiencing poverty, homelessness, and crisis by offering food, clothing, financial assistance, and access to community services. Through a network of volunteers, they deliver programs that provide practical assistance, emotional support, and resources to people facing hardship.
Bellingen Branch
- Email:
- Phone: 0418 673 910
Dorrigo Branch
- Email:
- Phone: 0472 718 862
United Hospital Auxilliary (UHA) Pink Ladies/Lads
The Bellinger and Dorrigo United Hospital Auxilliaries are dedicated volunteer groups that support the Bellingen and Dorrigo Hospital's and healthcare services. Through fundraising, community events, and advocacy, they help provide essential equipment and resources to enhance patient care.
Bellingen Branch
- Email: or
- Phone 6659 5752 or 0415 388 590
- Bellingen UHA Facebook
Dorrigo Branch
Urunga Business and Community (UBC)
UBC acts on behalf of the community to advocate for town improvements as well as lobbying and engagement around the Urunga Masterplan that guides Urunga's future growth. UBC has a diverse membership that includes local business, community and community groups.
Urunga Lions Club
Urunga Lions Club is a passionate group of volunteers dedicated to serving the local community through fundraising, service projects, and support for those in need. From assisting local families to enhancing community spaces, they strive to make Urunga a better place to live.
- Contact Peter: 0435 721 409 or Jo: 0401 516 779