Letters of Support from Council

If you're applying for a grant, it can be beneficial to have a letter of support from Council.

If you would like Council to consider providing a letter of support for a grant application, please note the following process applies:

Requests for letters of support should be sought at least three weeks prior to the closing date of the grant

Requests for letters of support should be put in writing (wherever possible) along with the following information about the grant being applied for:

  • Name of the grant;

  • Name of the organisation seeking the letter;

  • The amount of the grant sought;

  • The benefits to the community, should the grant be obtained, and the alignment of the project with Council plans; and

  • Any other relevant information.

When Council is considering the request the following process applies:

The subject matter for the grant and the applicant group will determine the relevant area in Council to assess the suitability of providing a letter of support for the grant sought.

  1. The grant or the outcome proposed by the grant should align with any relevant Council planning or strategy documents.  For example, this might include Council's current Operational Plan, Community Vision or masterplanning documents.

  2. Identify any potential conflicts of interest or Development Application/leasing/land owner consent issues if the grant request relates to any land/building/infrastructure (eg if the activity is proposed to occur on Council owned or managed land).

Are you applying for a grant on a Council owned asset? 

Please note that a letter of support from Council does not constitute property owner consent.

Bellingen Shire Council has a process that all community groups and organisations must follow when applying for a grant on a council owned asset.

If you require property owner consent from Council for a grant application you must contact the Group Leader Technical Services at Council to discuss your proposal. In addition, a Property Owners Consent application(PDF, 207KB)  must be completed for any grant applications that are to be submitted by a committee or user group to seek Council approval for proposed works. A Development Application (DA) may also be required depending on the nature of the works.

We have created a Factsheet-Grant-applications.pdf(PDF, 205KB) for you to read that outlines the process.