Koalas and Connectivity

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Bellinger Landcare is a not-for-profit umbrella organisation which supports the Landcare community across the Bellingen Shire.

In 2023/24 Bellinger Landcare received a grant of $3,100 from Bellingen Shire Council’s Environment Levy Community Fund for a project to educate the community about koalas, their habitat and how to protect them.

The project involved two guided bushwalks on land relevant to koalas and connectivity as well as a tree planting working bee and the purchase of trail cameras to monitor wildlife.

The guided bushwalks began with a cultural talk by the Yurruungga Aboriginal Corporation where participants took in Gumbaynggirr wisdom and learned about management issues. 

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Participants witnessed new plantings at the Hydes Creek Landcare site and saw what a successful project looks like after 15 years. Participants then headed into Pine Creek through plantation, native forest, National Park and koala hubs learning about forest types, koalas, connectivity and koala feed trees.

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A tree planting working bee was held before the second walk at the Wonga Landcare site, introducing several new people to the site.

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Overall, participants learned about the importance of connectivity generally and in protecting koalas, basic tree identification, use of mapping and ID apps, how to participate in local Landcare projects, cultural management issues and Council’s Koala Plan of Management. Participants were also introduced to the use of wildlife cameras, which will be available for future Landcare projects to help monitor sites and the wildlife that visits them.

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Visit the Bellinger Landcare website to learn more about current projects and how to get involved.