Bellingen Shire Development Control Plan (DCP) 2017
The Bellingen Shire Development Control Plan (DCP) 2017 provides the guidance and details the requirements for development that should be taken into account when preparing a Development Application.
The DCP can be downloaded in its entirety or by the relevant section
Update: 19 October 2023
Council is working on a review of chapter 8, Flood and Riverine Processes of the Bellingen Shore Development Control Plan (2017). The Bellingen DCP guides the way planning and design should happen for new developments in our area. It's mainly used by people such as engineers, architects and developers. Chapter 8 guides building on flood-prone land.
The review is expected to take several months throughout 2024 when resources are available, inclusive of community and stakeholder engagement. However, we recognise important feedback recently received from engineers and developers relating to the controls for ‘compensatory earthworks’ for development proposed on land mapped as ‘Flood storage’. As a result, we have undertaken a preliminary review ahead of a full review of Chapter 8, to address these challenges for applicants. If you are undertaking development on land mapped as ‘Flood storage’ please note the following while reviewing your requirements within the Bellingen DCP.
If you are planning a development on land mapped as ‘Flood storage’ please discuss your proposal in the first instance with Councils Development Engineer. To book in, please contact Councils Group Leader Development and Compliance at –
In some locations, there may be an opportunity to demonstrate an alternative solution to the compensatory earthwork flood mitigation measures in the DCP. Any opportunity to do so is to be discussed with Councils Development Engineer and will be based on merit on a case-by-case basis. In such cases, Council may apply its discretion based on the merits of the application and having due regard to whether the objectives of the Bellingen Shire DCP 2017 are maintained for development on land potentially affected by flooding and riverine processes. These objectives primarily aim to prevent inappropriate development occurring on flood prone land, to encourage the development and use of land which is compatible with the likely flood hazard, and to increase public awareness of flood hazards.
Should you have any queries regarding this matter or wish to clarify how this may affect any previous advice provided by Council regarding flood storage development controls, it is recommended that you contact Councils Group Leader Development and Compliance via the email stated above to arrange an online meeting.
Quick Links - DCP 2017 Chapters:
Extract - Chapter 1, Single Dwelling(PDF, 265KB)
Extract - Chapter 2, Multiple Dwelling Housing(PDF, 2MB)
Extract - Chapter 3, Subdivision(PDF, 231KB)
Extract - Chapter 4, Tourist Development(PDF, 145KB)
Extract - Chapter 5, Carparking and Vehicular Access(PDF, 190KB)
Extract - Chapter 6, Preservation of Trees and Vegetation(PDF, 163KB)
Extract - Chapter 7, Advertising Signage(PDF, 300KB)
Extract - Chapter 8, Flood and Riverine Processes(PDF, 690KB)
Extract - Chapter 9, Landscaping Requirements(PDF, 159KB)
Extract - Chapter 10, On Site Sewage Management(PDF, 114KB)
Extract - Chapter 12, Stormwater(PDF, 142KB)
Extract - Chapter 13, Universal Housing(PDF, 94KB)
Extract - Chapter 14 - Site Waste Minimisation and Management(PDF, 252KB)
Extract - Chapter 15, Heritage(PDF, 638KB)
Extract - Chapter 16, Koala Habitat Protection(PDF, 933KB)
Extract - Chapter 17, North Bellingen Urban Release Area(PDF, 451KB)
This is the sole DCP that regulates development in Bellingen Shire and is the culmination of a comprehensive review of the Bellingen Shire DCP 2010. The preparation of the DCP 2017 involved a review of DCP 2010 including an update of standards and references, removal of controls now covered by other legislation/codes/policies, a reduction of repetition and deletion or replacement of ineffective or onerous controls.
Changes made to the DCP in 2017
The DCP review has deleted Chapter 13 – Food Premises, Chapter 14 – Equity of Access and Chapter 15 – Development in Mylestom.
The DCP 2017 now includes four additional chapters:
Chapter 13 – Universal Housing
Chapter 15 – Heritage
Chapter 16 – Koala Habitat Protection
Chapter 17 – North Bellingen Urban Release Area
As of 1 December 2021, a reference to an Environment Protection zone E1, E2, E3 or E4 in a document should be taken to be a reference to a Conservation zone C1, C2, C3 or C4. For further information please see Standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plans) Amendment (Land Use Zones) Order 2021 (, and the following conversion table.
Current name |
New name |
Zone E1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves |
Zone C1 – National Parks and Nature Reserves |
Zone E2 – Environmental Conservation |
Zone C2 – Environmental Conservation |
Zone E3 – Environmental Management |
Zone C3 – Environmental Management |
Zone E4 – Environmental Living |
Zone C4 – Environmental Living |
Changes made to the DCP in 2019
In November 2019 Council resolved to delete Chapter 11 – Advertising & Notification of Development Applications from the Bellingen Shire Development Control Plan (DCP) 2017. This is because Council has adopted the Bellingen Shire Community Participation Plan(PDF, 2MB) , which now supersedes Chapter 11 of the DCP and is the new point of reference for how Council will advertise or notify people about Development Applications and other strategic planning maters such as the preparation of Growth Management Strategies, or amendments to the Local Environmental Plan.