Land Use Planning and Polices

Council’s land use policies and strategies provide a broad direction for the sustainable growth and development of Bellingen Shire.

Local Strategic Planning Statement

In response to changes to the planning system in NSW that have been introduced by the NSW Government, Council is required to produce a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) for the Shire. The LSPS is designed to spell out the strategic planning priorities of Council , as it works towards a vision for where we want to be in the next 20 years.

The LSPS integrates the approach that Council will take to its land use planning functions, (typically expressed through documents such as the Local Environmental Plan or Growth Management Strategies), with the broader strategic approach that Council is pursuing as expressed through Corporate Planning Documents like the Community Strategic Plan.

Following community consultation, Council has now formally adopted the Bellingen Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020-2040. 

Bellingen Shire Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020-2040(PDF, 25MB)



Local Growth Management Strategy

This Strategy guides the development of sustainable residential communities in the shire.


Employment Lands Strategy

As part of its 2030 Community Vision, Council strives to encourage a resilient economy where meaningful work opportunities and vibrant business exist within our community.

Council recently completed an Employment Lands Strategy that considers  future land requirements f

or the growth of employment generating industries in the Shire and this has been conditionally endorsed by the State Government. While some areas favoured by Council for new or expanded industrial zonings have not been endorsed at this stage,

Council will be working towards securing the necessary endorsements in 2014. For other areas that were endorsed, planning processes have already commenced to implement the recommended changes to land zonings. An extension of the Bellingen business zoning is one example of this.

Bellingen Shire Employment Lands Stratergy


Local Housing Stratergy

The Bellingen Shire Local Housing Strategy 2020-2040 was adopted by Council at its meeting of 29 January 2020 and referred to the New South Wales Department of Planning, Industry & Environment for final approval. Final approval was issued for the Strategy on 15 April 2020.


The Housing Strategy is a plan to provide high-quality homes to all residents of Bellingen Shire and to make sure housing meets the needs and desires of our community. The Housing Strategy will guide development, decision-making and infrastructure priorities for the next 20 years, and has over 60 Actions that Council will now need to start implementing. The Local Housing Strategy supersedes those parts of the Bellingen Shire Growth Management Strategy 2007 that deal with development in the R1 Residential Zone.


The final approved documents can be viewed below:

Bellingen Shire Local Housing Strategy 2020-2040 Attachment 1 - Action Plan(PDF, 1MB)

Bellingen Shire Local Housing Strategy 2020-2040(PDF, 12MB)

Bellingen Shire Local Housing Strategy 2020-2040 Attachment 2 - Infill Capacity Study(PDF, 9MB)

Bellingen Shire Local Housing Strategy - 2020-2040 Attachment 3 - Infill Design Study(PDF, 3MB)


Council wishes to thank every person who provided feedback over the course of developing the Strategy, and in helping us to deliver homes for our future!