Lower Bellinger and Kalang Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Study
Floods damage public and private property and present a risk to personal safety depending on their severity, but there are several ways that people and governments can reduce the risks.
Bellingen Shire Council has recently completed the development Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the Lower Bellinger and Lower Kalang Rivers under the NSW Government’s Flood Prone Land Policy. The primary objective of the Policy is to reduce the impact of flooding and flood liability on owners and occupants of flood prone land and to reduce losses from flooding.
The completed Study and Plan will Inform the Bellingen Local Environmental Plans & Bellingen Shire Development Control Plan to ensure new development works are compatible with the potential impact of inundation from flood events and identify future flood mitigation works which may be progressed by Council to protect existing development and use.
Consultants WMAwater were engaged by Council to conduct the study. They have used a computer model to determine the extent and nature of flooding in the study area.
Please follow the below links to the Lower Bellinger and Kalang Rivers Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan:
These documents have been endorsed by Council’s Coastal Estuaries and Floodplain Advisory Committee and Council. Any questions regarding the documents or information on this website should be directed to council@bellingen.nsw.gov.au.
What has already happened?
This Floodplain Risk Management Study investigated appropriate flood management options A computer model has determined the extent and nature of flooding in the Study Area The study has revised the previous computer modelling done in the region and updated it with the latest information Mitigation options have been investigated.