Animals in the pound

See below dogs and cats currently held at our Animal Management Centre.

How to claim your pet from the animal management centre 

If your pet has been found, you will need to arrange collection and pay the applicable fees. 

Step 1 - Pay the fees

You will need to pay the fee before we can release your pet from the centre. If your pet is not already microchipped and registered you will also need to pay for that. See the NSW Government's current registration fees.


Step 2 - appointment for collection

Once you have paid the fees and unregistered pets have been registered and microchipped, you can then make an appointment with our rangers on (02) 6655 7300 to pick up your animal.

Step 3 - Bring proof of ownership

Animals can only be returned to the owner in person or an appointed agent. You will need to provide personal identification that matches the ownership information recorded in the animal’s registration and microchip details.

If your animal is not microchipped or registered, you will need to provide a statutory declaration confirming your ownership claim before we can release your pet. Statutory declarations can be obtained and completed at the Council Administration building.


Animals being held at the Management Centre 
