Bellingen Shire Council Draft Corporate Carbon Plan 2025–2030

Submissions closing on 17 April 2025, 05:00 PM

Photo 3 Electric Mower Trial.jpg

Bellingen Shire Council is seeking your input on Council’s Draft Corporate Carbon Plan 2025–2030.

In 2019 Council declared a Climate Emergency and adopted a Corporate Carbon Plan with three targets:

  • 100% renewable energy by 2030
  • 45% emissions reduction by 2030; and
  • net zero emissions by 2040.

The Corporate Carbon Plan outlined a range of actions to implement across 8 key focus areas. Council has implemented many of these actions and in the 2023/24 financial year achieved a 43.6% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared with the 2009/10 baseline.

With the commencement of Council's renewable energy Power Purchase Agreement on 1 Jan 2025 Council is predicted to make significant further progress on its reduction targets with preliminary predictions of up to a 58% emission reduction this financial year and up to a 72% reduction in financial year 2025/26.

Due to the significant progress that Council has made in implementing actions under the 2019 Plan Council has prepared an updated plan for adoption. The updated plan takes stock of what Council has achieved to date and outlines further opportunities to investigate and pursue leading up to 2030.

Community members are invited to make submissions on the updated plan. Please note that this plan cover emissions from Council’s own operations, not community greenhouse gas emissions. If you have ideas for reducing community emissions you may like to consider applying for an Environment Levy Community Fund Grant to get your project off the ground.

Download the Draft Corporate Carbon Plan 2025–2030(PDF, 10MB)