The Bellingen Shire Community Vision 2035 Themes and aspirations have been used to develop Council’s 4-year delivery program and annual operational plan. Thereby ensuring that Council’s actions are directly aligned with achieving our community’s long term aspirations.
In preparing the Draft revised 2022-26 Delivery program and 2022-23 Operational Plan(PDF, 6MB), a number of changes have been included. The enhanced changes indicate that Council is committed to delivering projects and services to the community, and no existing priorities have been removed.
The Delivery Program and Operational Plan has been strengthened to provide a more service centric approach to planning, in order to show a clearer view of the services that Council provides to the community, along with more explicit linkages between those services and projects intended to change levels of service, improve efficiency or manage risks.
Throughout the plan there is a focus on ‘Key Projects highlighting areas of interest regards the operational schedule for the 2022/23 period. This format provides a snapshot overview of projects of significant interest and their relationship to the pillars identified within the Community Vision.
A number of examples include:
- Significant infrastructure investment to deliver a 41.5M capital program in year 1
- Detailed road renewal and maintenance programs
- Continued disaster recovery efforts
- Completion of the Memorial Hall to Hub transformation project
- Community Resilience project delivery to support community preparedness and emergency response
- Deliver the Disability Inclusion Action Plan
- Progress Indigenous engagement activities and heritage studies
- Community facility upgrades including Connell Park Netball Courts
- Enhance communication channels by delivering forums, updated website tools and social media strategies
- Development of a 10yr Coastal Management Plan
- Support delivery of the Community Climate Action Plan
The plan has been developed to be easier to read providing infographic messaging and key alignment to the Community Vision aspirations and themes.
Detailed forward estimates and budget planning is provided in the Draft Long Term Financial Plan 2022-2032(PDF, 6MB) and Draft Revenue Policy, Schedule of Fees and Charge 2022-23(PDF, 25MB) and should be considered in reviewing this plan.
All three documents were endorsed by Council at its Ordinary Meeting held on 27 April 2022 to be placed on public exhibition for no less than 28 days for public comment. We encourage you to review the attached documents and provide your feedback before 5pm on Friday 27 May 2022.