Council is asking the community for their input to inform the development of the Mylestom Foreshore Master Plan.
Initiated by the need to replace and upgrade the retaining wall, Council is looking to plan strategically for any upgrades to the foreshore in a coordinated way.
Therefore, Council are preparing a master plan that will guide the initial upgrade of the retaining wall. This master plan can then be used as a guide for future improvements.
Council wants to hear your thoughts on how you would like to use the foreshore, and what could be improved.
Please complete our 5 minute survey here:
Drop in Session
We are holding a drop-in session at the foreshore - Alma Doepel Reserve across from the carpark in Mylestom on Thursday 9 May 10am - 1pm. Please come along to meet our team and contribute your ideas.
What is a Master Plan?
A master plan is a strategic document outlining a long-term vision and implementation strategy for guiding growth and change in an area. The upcoming draft master plan for the Mylestom Foreshore will influence the future appearance, atmosphere, and functionality of the open spaces and recreation areas.
The plan will guide the Bellingen Shire Council in making improvements to the foreshore over time.