Our Council, Our Community - Becoming a Councillor

NSW Local Government Election will be held on Saturday 14 September 2024.

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The Nomination Process

The NSW Electoral Commission provides an outline on the nomination process for Local Government elections as well as the necessary forms and fact sheets. visit https://elections.nsw.gov.au/

Candidates and groups are required to register for the election with the NSWEC and appoint a person as their official agent before accepting political donations or incurring electoral expenditure. Registration and agent appointment forms are available on the NSW Electoral Commission website

The NSWEC is responsible for regulating the political donations and election campaign expenditure of parties, groups, candidates and others. There are strict legal requirements that all parties, groups and candidates must follow when dealing with their election campaign finances. Parties, groups and candidates wishing to seek further information about candidate and group registration, appointment of an official agent or election campaign finances are advised to contact the NSWEC Candidate Helpdesk on 1300 135 736

To find out more about the role of a Councillor download the information pack below.

In the lead-up to the NSW local government elections on Saturday 14 September 2024, Bellingen Shire Council will hold another candidate briefing session.