In accordance with Section 360(3) of the Local Government Act 1993, councils are required to adopt a Code of Meeting Practice no later than 12 months after an ordinary election of councillors. This Code must incorporate the mandatory provisions of the Model Code of Meeting Practice prescribed by the regulations and may also include non-mandatory and additional provisions.
The proposed updates to the Code of Meeting Practice are based on the 2021 Model Code of Meeting Practice for Local Councils in NSW. The Model Code features both mandatory and optional provisions, and the recommended changes integrate previously excluded components to ensure compliance and enhanced meeting governance.
During the November Ordinary Meeting of Council, Council resolved to make changes to the Code of Meeting Practice. Key proposed changes are highlighted in blue in the attached document.
Have Your Say
The draft Code of Meeting Practice is now open for public exhibition. Community feedback is an integral part of the process, and we invite you to review the proposed updates and provide your submissions.
If submissions are received, a further report will be presented to Council to address the feedback. If no submissions are received, the draft Code of Meeting Practice will be considered for adoption.
The changes are now on public exhibition and submission are invited via the attached form. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 27 December 2024.