Disaster and Emergency Information
The Bellingen Shire Council Disaster and Emergency Information webpage aims to assist in connecting community members with information and support services throughout the various stages of a disaster.
Council updates will be provided on this page. However, for live updates from emergency response agencies during a disaster, please access this through the respective agency's channel.
Stages of a disaster
Council has collated information relating to each stage of a disaster, including key contacts and resources. Use the links below to navigate to the relevant information and resources based on the stage of the emergency.
Our role during a disaster
Emergencies or declared disaster events are controlled by either a Combat Agency or an Emergency Operations Controller (if requested by a Combat Agency or a Combat Agency is not specified). The Combat Agency will vary, depending on the type of emergency.
The following is a summary of potential types of emergencies which may affect out community and the identified lead Combat Agency.
Whilst Bellingen Shire Council is not a lead Combat Agency, in a disaster or emergency event, as a member of the Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC) we work to:
- Advise of any interruptions to the services we provide, including the status of roads and bridges, water and waste services and more
- Restore any services which impact on the welfare and safety of our community in a timely manner
- Support emergency lead agencies and/or combat agencies in assisting our community.
For the latest nearby fire, flood and traffic incidents, power and water outages, radio and social feeds, visit the Disaster Dashboard.