
Currently funded under the Bridge Renewal Program our Shire will see 33 of our ageing timber bridges repaired, rehabilitated or replaced. This will improve the integrity of the bridges and reduce recurrent maintenance costs into the future. Bellingen Shire’s timber bridge network is the fourth largest timber bridge network in the state.


Projects will be span across 33 locations in our Shire. See below individual project pages for locations or visit the What's near me Map


$35M total, and of this $28.25 million  - funded by the Fixing Country Bridges Program (Rounds 1 and 2), remainder through other programs / Council contribution.


The Bridge Renewal Program is already underway, the target projects completion date for the current program is by December 2025

Community Impacts

Community impacts vary from project to project. Notifications to the community will be provided during any major disruption via online channels and VMS boards. See below individual project pages for specific information regarding the bridge which may affect you.

The Construction Teams

To complete this substantial works program Council will be using both internal resources as well as engaging contractors through an open tender process.  

Load Limits

Following the Timber Bridge Assessment Project in 2017 a number of bridges with structural defects were identified, a load limit was required to be placed on those bridges to enable the continued use and longevity of the bridge until a permanent repair can be funded and completed.

Which bridges are load limited?

Bridge Name

Road Name


Load Limit (tonnes)


Load Limit (tonnes)

Articulated (t)


Darkwood Rd




 Summervilles Summervilles  NA 10 NA

How are bridges prioritised for replacement?

Several factors are considered when prioritising our bridge renewal program.

The Bridge

  • The current bridge condition, based on engineering assessments and whether the bridge has been load limited.
  • The current maintenance cost of the bridge and the burden on Council’s operational budget, the replacement cost and the forecast reduction in maintenance costs.

The Road

  • What class of road is the bridge located on, and what type of vehicles use that road. For example, is the road a school bus route, how many vehicles use the route and what type of vehicles.


  • Is there an alternative access / egress route and is the area subject to bushfire risk.


  • Does the route provide access for agriculture / industry and tourism.


  • Council also advocates for funding as and when appropriate funding is available. The current Bridge Renewal Program has been significantly accelerated thanks to funding from the following sources:
  • NSW Government - Fixing Country Bridges, Fixing Country Roads
  • Federal Funding - Bridge Renewal Program
  • Bellingen Shire Council – General Fund / SRV’s

The major contributor to the current program, being Fixing Country Bridges funding, contributes $28.25M across two rounds to our current total $35M program.

Fixing Country Bridges Program - Grant programs - Local Government Relations - Partners & suppliers - Business & Industry - Roads and Waterways – Transport for NSW 



View our 33 bridges replacement projects

Completed Bridges