Duffy's Bridge
- Project typeBridge Renewal
- Project value$2.74M
- Project scheduleImplementation
- Contractor nameBellingen Shire Council
Construction expected to commence March 2025 with end of 2025 completion planned - subject to environmental approvals.
Community Impacts
The new bridge will be constructed adjacent to the existing timber bridge to ensure community access is maintained. There will be traffic control on the road periodically meaning there may be some delays through bridge work zones. During any major disruptions, notifications to community will be provided via online channels and VMS boards.
About the Bridge
Duffys Bridge is located on Kalang Road approximately 4km from the intersection with Bowraville Road. The existing 44m long was originally built in the 1960s, with ageing and wear beginning to pose ongoing concerns. The new bridge will be a dual lane, concrete bridge, lifted in height by approx. 1.5m.
Environmental Approvals
Bellingen Shire Council is undergoing extensive environmental assessments for the replacement of the bridges (Justins, Joyces, Hobarts and Duffys).
Through this assessment process the potential for impacts to the Bellinger River Snapping Turtle (Myuchelys georgesi) were identified a part of the construction of the new bridges.
Council is assessing the Project under Part 5 Division 5.1 of the Environment Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) and Part 7 of the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act).
As part of the assessment for the proposed works a Species Impact Statement (SIS) has been issued to Biodiversity and Conservation Division of the Department of Planning and Environment and is to be made available for public exhibition.
The purpose of a Species Impact Statement (SIS) is to:
- Allow the proponent to identify threatened species, ecological communities, or their habitats, assess the likely effect of impact from the activity on threatened species, ecological communities, or their habitats, and provide appropriate amelioration for adverse impacts resulting from the activity.
The Federal Environmental approvals have been granted and can be found here
CO10000-ENV-PLN-0001_EMP_DarkwoodBridges_v0.4.pdf(PDF, 8MB)
12611463-REP-1_REF-Duffys-Bridge.pdf(PDF, 44MB)
4636-1034-GBF-Management-Plan-All-Bridges_V3.pdf(PDF, 8MB)
CO10000-ENV-PLN-0001-ERSED-Control-Plan_v1.pdf(PDF, 11MB)
CO10000-ENV-PLN-0002-Hygiene-Plan.pdf(PDF, 755KB)
CO10000-ENV-PLN-0003-Weed-and-Pest-Management-Plan.pdf(PDF, 874KB)
CO10000-ENV-PLN-0004-Water-Quality-Management-Plan.pdf(PDF, 430KB)
CO10000-ENV-REG-0003-Project-Non-Conformance-Register.pdf(PDF, 67KB)
CO10000-ENV-SOP-0002-Basic-Hygiene-Procedure.pdf(PDF, 267KB)
CO10000-ENV-SOP-0003-Strict-Hygiene-Procedure.pdf(PDF, 269KB)
CO10000-WHS-PLA-0001-Emergency-Response-Plan.pdf(PDF, 383KB)
CO10000-WHS-PRO-0008-Hazardous-Chemicals-Procedure.pdf(PDF, 419KB)
Kalang Road, Kalang 2454 View Map
Kalang Road ,
Kalang 2454
Kalang Road ,
Kalang 2454
Duffy's Bridge