Kalang Road Rehabilitation Projects
The Kalang Road is due to receive significant upgrades over the next three years. These upgrade works are largely possible due to a variety of grant funded projects:
- Fixing Country Bridges
- Remote Road Upgrade Pilot Project
These programs will address the significant deficiencies and flood damages on one of our key regional roads, which will improve a variety of conditions, including community access and safety.
Delivery of the significant project will be progressed over several years, with design completed within a 12-month period once funding approval is received. Commencement of construction in anticipated in 2023 with delivery over a 24-month period weather permitting
Below are our projects pages which outline the scope, status, and community impacts of each program.
SAFETY ALERT - This alert is to remind all employees and contractors of their obligations to control the risks associated with the use of heavy vehicles, light vehicles and mobile plant equipment when undertaking infrastructure works along Kalang Road. Council is seeking to mitigate the risks to workers and the community. Safety-Notification-Kalang-Road.pdf(PDF, 183KB)