Kalang Road - Remote Road Upgrade Pilot Project (RRUP)


The Australian Governments Remote Road Upgrade Pilot Project (RRUP) was designed to provide funding for projects which will deliver real outcomes to regional communities by addressing significant deficiencies on key regional and rural roads. It is important that these projects place an emphasis on the social and community benefits that will improve the quality of life and accessibility in regional areas by upgrading severely degraded roads.


Kalang Road, various locations


$5 Million – funded by the Remote Roads Upgrade Pilot Project (RRUP) grant


Once funding is received, design work must be completed within a 12 month period. Delivery of the project will be progressed over several years following the design period. 

Project Scope

  • Extend the sealed to the remaining unsealed length of the road (approx 11kms).
  • Address the dilapidation of existing culverts and drainage structures to mitigate risks of future slips
  • Localised widening works (approx 6kms) of unsafe and deteriorated road sections

The first of these is to be the Rickerbys Culvert replacement. The existing culverts are badly dilapidated and are a risk of significant road damage and therefore isolation of much of Kalang Road. Early works are due to commence early November pending approvals, including service relocations and installing a temporary diversion. The new construction will commence in the new year, replacing the undersized culverts with a bridge structure.

Community Impacts

There will be traffic control on the road periodically meaning there may be some delays. Day road closures may be required to allow for specialised activities. It is expected these road closures would occur between 9am-3:30pm to minimise disruption.  Notifications to community will be provided on these occasions via online channels and VMS boards.

The Construction Team

To complete this substantial works program, Council will utilise both internal resources and engage contractors through an open tender process.

Do you have any questions about this project?

Should you wish to discuss any aspect of the projects please do not hesitate to contact Bellingen Shire Council on 02 6655 7300 or email on council@bellingen.nsw.gov.au.  Additional project information will also be available on the Council website and VMS boards as the projects progress.