Darkwood Road
- Project typeRRTRP Betterment of Darkwood Road
- Project valueTBA
- Project scheduleImplementation
About the Project
Bellingen Shire Council has secured funding for the rehabilitation of Darkwood Road, through the NSW Governments Regional Roads and Recovery Transport Package (RRTRP). The Darkwood Road rehabilitation project is aimed at improving the resilience and overall condition of the road infrastructure, including improved alignment.
Works commenced in February 2025 and are expected to last for approximately 6 months (weather permitting). Standard working hours for the project will be Monday-Friday 7am-6pm. Works may be completed on Saturday as required.
Project Scope
The project scope includes replacement of stormwater culverts to improve drainage, rehabilitation and betterment of bitumen sealed pavements, concrete kerb and channel to further improve road drainage, re-alignment of priority sections of road, sealing of priority unsealed sections of pavement.
Key sections of upgrade include (but are not limited to):-
Alignment and Drainage Improvements upstream of Richardsons Bridge – 1.25km
- Thora Intersection to Thora Sawmill – 1km
- Past Leans Creek Bridge – 0.3km
- Past Mickeys Creek Bridge – 0.2km
- Orama Public School – 0.1km
Future Works
- Slip remediation works still in planning stage.
Community Impacts
Noise - During the construction period there may be noise impacts experienced during working hours from Monday-Friday. All attempts to keep this impact to a minimum will be made.
Construction Traffic - There will be an increase in construction traffic for the duration of the project. Project staff will be advised to drive safely and be considerate of the local community.
Traffic Delays - The works will be completed using traffic management. Short delays should be expected for the duration of the project. Longer delays may be required from time to time, however these delays will be planned in consideration of peak traffic flows and school bus movements.
We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to enhance the infrastructure in your community. We are committed to minimizing disruptions and ensuring the successful completion of the project.
Community Engagement
As part of our commitment to keeping you informed, we will utilise various communication tools. This initial works notification will be provided via letter box drop to all residents and copies will be made available at the Thora Store.
Variable Message Signs (VMS), the Council website and social media platforms will be used to provide updates during the works.
Your feedback and cooperation throughout this project are invaluable to us. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding the project.
Darkwood Road, Darkwood View Map
Darkwood Road ,
Darkwood Road