Bello-Bio-Blog-1-Nestboxes_1.pdf(PDF, 744KB)
Tips for designing, building, installing and monitoring nest boxes.

Bello-Bio-Blog-2-Flying-Foxes.pdf(PDF, 621KB)
Bellingen Shire is home to three types of Flying Fox and hosts one of New South Wales' most important flying Fox Camps at Bellingen Island. The grey Headed flying fox is one of the threatened species in our shire. Find out more about these ecologically important animals and how to successfully live alongside them.

Bello-Bio-Blog-3-river-restoration-advice.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
It is the landholders responsibility to determine what approvals are required and to obtain permission from relevant authorities for any proposed work in the riparian zone (40m either side of the watercourse). This includes removal of vegetation (including woody weeds) and earthworks. Un-permitted and unlicensed works are illegal under several pieces of legislation and attract hefty fined. This guide will assist in the navigation of the design and permitting process.
Suspicious activities on riverbanks should be reported to the Natural Resources Access Regulator (NRAR) on 1800 633 362 or via email: More information here.

Bello-Bio-Blog-4-Koalas.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
Koala populations in the Bellingen area are of state significance and their survival depends on the community's commitment to protect them. They are now one of the Shires threatened species. This bio blog identifies the major threats to our Koalas and what you can do to help.

Bello-Bio-Blog-5-Bellinger-River-Snapping-Turtle.pdf(PDF, 449KB)
Learn more about the endangered Bellinger River Snapping Turtle and our Communities efforts to save the species.

Bello-Bio-Blog-6-Oxleyan-Pygmy-Perch.pdf(PDF, 478KB)
Learn more about the endangered Oxleyean Pygmey Perch, resident of our coastal fresh water lakes and wetlands.

Image Source: Photo of Nannoperca oxleyana (Oxleyan pygmy perch) - Esdaile , J.,QPWS,2009
Bello-Bio-Blog-7-Common-Mynas.pdf(PDF, 1MB)
Common Mynas are a very intelligent and successful species, often displacing native animals as they compete for nest space and other resources. Learn how you can manage these pests at your place.

_Bello-Bio-Blog-8 Marine Debris.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
Too often our marine wildlife is being injured by discarded fishing equipment and other debris. Learn how you can reduce your impact.