Current Projects

Project: Bellingen Island Flying Fox Camp Habitat Restoration Project

Funded by: Local Government NSW & BSC Environment Levy

Duration: 8 Years


  • continue restoring existing roost habitat at Bellingen Island
  • extend potential habitat to the western end of Bellingen Island to relieve pressure on the small patch of forest currently supporting flying-foxes, and restore the riparian environment at The Point and an area surrounding the Bellingen Wastewater Treatment Plant
  • create and maintain buffers between flying-fox roost habitat and urban landholders
  • share information with the community about flying fox conservation
  • undertake research into whether flying-foxes move to enhanced, restored, and created roost habitat, the environmental factors which influence this and the impact on camp neighbours.


BI FFCH -2023-02-03 Zone 2.jpg


Project: Dangar Falls Bush Regeneration

Funded by: NSW Crown Lands Crown Reserve Improvement Fund (CRIF) & BSC Environment Levy

Duration: 1 Year March 2023-24 plus 3 years follow up maintenance


  • Complete a vegetation Management Plan for the reserve
  • Run 2 Community working Bees at the reserve
  • To control weeds in the four native vegetation units and along the riparian zone at Dangars Falls Reserve. In particular target weeds, Small Leaf Privet, Blackberry, Japanese Honeysuckle and Ivy.
  • To restore native vegetation communities by replenishment planting where required.


Dangar-Falls-VMP 2023(PDF, 18MB)

Dangar work bee 1.jpg


Project: Riparian Restoration at Darkwood Bridge

Funded By: Local Land Services/ Bellinger Landcare Inc

Duration: 2 Years - plus 3 years follow up maintenance


  • Trial the removal of bamboo from riparian zone using forestry mulcher. 
  • Document ongoing maintenance requirements using this methodology and success of replanting


Project: Plateau Koalas - partner with Dandarga Landcare for project management

Funded By: Australian Government. Koala Conservation and Protection - Community Grants & BSC Environment Levy

Duration: 2 years 


  • Digitally mapping vegetation and koala habitat in three corridors across the Dorrigo Plateau and improve data and knowledge of the koala populations and support effective decision making, conservation and planting of koala habitat species
  • In corridor 1: partnering with communities and individuals to improve the extent, quality and connectivity of the koala’s habitat and reduce local weed threats and to establish an ongoing role and capability in monitoring, conservation and management.: 6 Properties, 2560 plants, 2.4 ha regenerated, 2 Community working bees, 4000m wildlife fencing.

Plant your own koala habitat on the plateau:

Plateau-Koalas-Habitat-Trees-List.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

How to record a koala sighting on the Plateau - or anywhere!, 515KB)

pateau koala corridors.png

Project: Priority Remnants Lowland Rainforest

Funded by: Department Planning & Environment - SOS program

Duration: 2 years - 3 years ongoing maintenance


  • Protect and regenerate the Lowland Rainforest vegetation community (EEC) in the reserve at the Bellingen Waste Transfer Station in accordance with the reserves Vegetation Management Plan (VMP)


Bellingen-WMTS-VMP.pdf(PDF, 15MB)


Project: Urunga Shorebirds

Funded by: BSC Environment Levy

Duration: 1 year


  • Work with the local community group to design and place shorebird awareness signage along the Urunga foreshore. 
  • Protect endangered Beach Stone curlew from coastal hazards.


Project: The Point - Riparian Restoration & Flood recovery

Funded by: NSW Governments Flood Recovery 2022 program & BSC Environment Levy

Duration: 1 year & 3 years post maintenance


  • Replace and improve the damaged carpark surface and replace the broken copper log fencing with large landscaping boulders and local riparian vegetation.
  • Repair the eroded riverbank  by weeding, reshaping and revegetating the bank with local species and preparing a walking track from the carpark to the river.
  • Maintain the safety and functionality of the area for the reserve purpose as a park and natural area, ensuring a better experience for all residents

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