Become a Pro at FOGO - your Green lid bin

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What is FOGO?

FOGO stands for Food Organics and Garden Organics, it is your Green lid bin. It is a residential kerbside collection service that allows food organics and garden organics to be added to the green lid bin so it can be recycled into top quality compost. 

Food organics and garden organics (FOGO) are a beneficial resource if collected and processed appropriately.  Not tipping them at landfill, extends the life of landfills and reduces their greenhouse gas generation. When FOGO waste is collected separately, it is turned into quality compost to be used in farms, parks, and sports fields.

FOGO will have huge environmental benefits and help maintain our beautiful suburbs, parks, and reserves for everyone to enjoy.

Who would have thought that one small change - putting your food waste in the FOGO bin instead of your red bin – could have so many benefits?

Want to know more about FOGO? please visit NSW Environment Protection Authority for more resources and to see how organic waste is processed into compost.

What can I put in my Green lid FOGO Bin?

What can go in: Fruit and vegetables, Meat and bones, Eggs and dairy, Seafood, Pasta, bread, rice, cereal, food scraps, coffee grounds and loose tea leaves, grass clippings, garden pruning, leaves, flowers, plants and weed.

What can not go in: food packaging, rubber bands, plastic wrap (even if it is labelled compostable or biodegradable), meat trays, foil, polystyrene and fruit and vegetable stickers, plastic bags, liquids, fats, greases and oils, tea bags, vacuum dust, broken glass, pet poo, nappies, hygiene products, gardening items, plastic pots, treated or painted timber, rocks, soil or branches thicker than your arm.

How to deter insects and rodents?

Overripe, rotting or decayed fruit and vegetables can attract fruit flies and other insects to your caddy or green waste bin. These are some more tips to stop insects and rodents from becoming a problem:
  • If you have ripened fruit or vegetables, eat these first or put them in the fridge until you can use them.
  • Clean up any spills or mess around your caddy or green waste bin.
  • Freeze rotten food in a separate container and put in your green waste bin the night before collection.
  • Spray lavender or mint around the base of your green waste bin - rats and mice don’t like this smell.

Why should I FOGO

  • Help the environment by sending less waste to landfill.
  •  Save space in your red bin.
  • Turn your waste into useful compost.
  • Reduce harmful greenhouse gas emissions.