Waste Management Cards
Waste Management Card information
The Council has made some changes to the way residents can access their annual green waste disposal and bulky goods vouchers. This change has been made to make it easier for the community to access and use the vouchers that they had previously received in the mail, and those issued by Coffs Coast Waste Services. Residents will receive Waste Management Card's in the post from 16 July 2024, and these cards will be automatically loaded with the voucher entitlements for each property.
Vouchers can be used by presenting the cards at the Raleigh and Dorrigo landfills and notifying the staff of which voucher you would like to use. The staff will then scan the card on entry to ensure the voucher is valid, and then direct the card holder to the drop off point for the waste being disposed of.
The Voucher entitlements for each property are allocated based on the rates paid by each lot, and may vary depending on the individual rates applied.
These vouchers will be valid for the Calendar year from 1 January to the following December 31 each year. Unused vouchers will not be carried over and new allocations automatically assigned to each property at the start of the new period. The vouchers issued are for single loads only and can not be split over multiple loads.
Waste that is not eligible for disposal under the existing voucher system or transfer station entitlements will incur fees at the applicable rate shown in the Council fees and charges schedule.

Green Waste Disposal Support – Response to Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred
Bellingen Shire Council is providing additional green waste disposal support to assist residents in cleaning up storm debris following the impact of Ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred.
Starting from Saturday, 15 March, residents who present their Waste Management Card will have access to a one-time green waste voucher allowing for free disposal of up to 250kg of storm-generated green waste. This initiative will run for one month, concluding on Sunday, 13 April.
How to Access Your Voucher:
- Bring your load of green waste to either the Dorrigo or Raleigh waste facilities.
- Present your Waste Management Card to staff upon arrival.
- You will be directed to the designated green waste disposal area.
Requirement for use:
- This voucher allows free disposal of green waste only, up to 250Kg which is approximately one level 6x4 trailer load. Loads exceeding this may incur charges and no other waste types will be accepted under this voucher.
- To ensure that the load will be accepted residents must present their Waste Management Card on entry to the waste facility.
- Where the waste management card is not presented to staff on entry, disposal costs will be charged.
- This voucher is single use only and multiple loads cannot be dropped off under this voucher entitlement.
- If you have not received or have lost the waste management card a replacement card will need to be obtained prior to disposal. This can be requested by completing the waste card replacement form on the council website and submitting to council via email to council@bellingen.nsw.gov.au. This form must be completed by the owner of the property in order to be processed.
Please note: Your waste facility card is essential to access this service.
This initiative is part of Council’s ongoing recovery efforts to support the community following the severe weather event. Residents are encouraged to make use of the program within the timeframe to ensure effective and timely cleanup of fallen trees and branches on their properties.
What vouchers does my property receive?
Rural Cards
1x Bulky goods voucher per annum (300Kg)
1x green waste voucher per annum (200Kg)
For properties that do not receive the kerbside collection service, this card will replace the previously issued paper cards and will need to be presented at your local waste facility as evidence of your entitlement to free access at the Bellingen Shire Council transfer stations.
This card can also now be used to claim your annual Bulky Goods and Green Waste Disposal vouchers.
Urban (Domestic) Cards
1x Bulky goods voucher per annum (300Kg)
1x green waste voucher per annum (200Kg)
properties that receive the kerbside collection service, this card will allow residents to claim the annual Bulky Goods and Green Waste Disposal vouchers. These properties also receive the one annual kerbside bulky goods service that is conducted during March and April each year. For more information on the kerbside bulky goods service please visit the Bulky goods page on the BSC website.
What if I did not receive a card or it has been lost.
If the waste card was not received there may be a few reasons for this.
The cards have been mailed to the ratepayer who is registered on the councils records, this may result in some cards not being received at the physical address particularly if the property is rented. If this is the case and the card has not been forwarded to the person renting the property it is suggested that the owner or property manager be contacted to request the card.
If the ratepayer's contact information has not been updated with Council the card may not be received. This can be addressed by updating the properties primary rate payer information by contacting Council.
Replacement cards can be requested by the property owner or manager. This can be done by completing the replacement Waste Card replacement declaration form(PDF, 823KB) and must be completed by the registered property owner or manager and returned to council via the council email address (council@bellingen.nsw.gov.au). Once this form is completed a replacement card will be sent out and any previously issued cards, cancelled.