Our reporting process

Progress Reports

Quarterly reports provide regular updates on Council's progress towards its Operational Plan.


Operational Plan Progress Report Jan-Mar 2024 Q3(PDF, 21MB)

Operational Plan Progress Report Oct - Dec 2023 Q2(PDF, 12MB)

Operational Plan Progress Report Jul - Sep 2023 Q1(PDF, 14MB)


Operational Plan Progress Report Apr - Jun 2023 Q4(PDF, 10MB)

Operational Plan Progress Report Jan - Mar 2023 Q3(PDF, 4MB)

Operational Plan Report H1 2022-23(PDF, 7MB)

Previous years

Operational Plan Report H2 2021-22 (PDF, 4MB)

Operational Plan Report H1 2021-22 (PDF, 9MB)

Operational Plan Report H2 2020-21(PDF, 7MB)

Operational Plan Report H1 2020-21(PDF, 5MB)

Operational Plan Report H2 2019-20(PDF, 3MB)

Operational Plan Report H1 2019-20(PDF, 6MB)

Annual Report and Financial Statements

The Annual Report provides information about Council's achievements in implementing the Delivery Program and the effectiveness of the principal activities undertaken in achieving the objectives in the Community Vision.

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1993, Council must prepare financial reports for each year. The financial reports must be prepared and audited within a period of 4 months after the end of that financial year. Council’s Audited Financial Statements are publicly available.

View Annual Reports

End of Term Report

Council's End of Term Report(PDF, 5MB) provides information on Council's progress in implementing the Community Vision over the previous four years. This report looks at what the results have been for the community and Council as a result of the activities undertaken.

State of the Environment Report 

The Regional State of the Environment Report(PDF, 9MB) (RSOE) feeds into a state-wide Report on the status of key environmental issues facing New South Wales.

This report is structured around six environmental themes: Drivers, Human Settlement, Climate and Air, Land, Biodiversity, Water and Marine. Each theme is divided into specific topics with status indicators and further information. The attached Report is for 2016-2020.

The RSOE involves the 12 general Councils in the North Coast region of NSW, from Port Macquarie-Hastings in the south to Tweed in the north, and includes Rous County Council. The Report is compiled by a regional co-ordinator hosted by Coffs Harbour City Council who requests the data from each Council.