A further $29, 277 has been awarded through the Community Grants Program.
Under the Community Support Fund a total of $5,185 to four deserving applicants:
- Bellingen Community Playgroup/Playgroup NSW - Bellingen Community Playgroup Renewal Project
- Bellingen Community Arts Council - One Enchanted Evening
- BellingenReaders and Writers Festival - Bellingen Readers and Writers Festival SchoolsProgram
- Country Women's Association of New South Wales – Urunga Branch - Upgrading the meeting room's furniture at the Urunga CWA restrooms.
Community Event Sponsorship Fund has granted a total of $19,248 to ten events:
- Bellingen Muse
- Camp Creative
- Taranta Festival Inc
- Bellingen Youth Orchestra Inc. - 2023 Schools Concert
- Housing Matters Action Group Inc - Housing Matters – Working together to unlock housing solutions
- Urunga Business and Community – URUNGAlights
- Dorrigo Folk& Bluegrass Festival Incorporated - 21st Dorrigo Folk & Bluegrass Festival 2023 – Temporary Fencing
- Bellingen Reader and Writers Festival - Bellingen Reader and Writers Festival 2024
- Country Women's Association of NSW - Senior's Week Sconversation
- Bellingen Community Arts Council - Bellingen Shire Arts Trail Weekend
Lastly, the Creative Placemaking Fund has awarded a total of $4,844 to two exceptional projects:
- Anneliese Hauptstein - Spray It Loud: Amplifying Youth Voices through Stencil Art
- The Bellingen Valley Historical Society - Display Cabinets for Bellingen Museum
Mayor Cr Steve Allan applauded the recipients, saying, "Congratulations to all successful applicants of the Community Grants. These projects will enhance community engagement, contribute to the well-being of our residents and contribute to the vibrant artistic and sustainable commitments of our community, protecting the natural beauty and biodiversity of our Shire and celebrating our heritage, nurturing creative expression."
Bellingen Shire Council extends its gratitude to all the applicants and encourages the community to stay tuned for further updates on these project.