Bellingen Shire seeks Eco Destination Certification

Published on 15 March 2022


Recognising the importance of ensuring the future of our natural assets, community and culture, the Bellingen Shire is working towards becoming an Eco Certified Destination.

In 2021, the Bellingen Shire was one of only 6 destinations invited to apply for sponsorship to assist in gaining Eco Tourism accreditation. This offer came through a partnership arrangement between the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Eco Tourism Australia.

Representing the interests of ecotourism operators and destinations, Eco Tourism Australia will steer the certification process with Council as the lead partner. Established in 1991, Eco Tourism Australia is a not for profit, membership-based organisation inspiring environmentally sustainable and culturally responsible tourism.

The Bellingen Shire was invited because it:

  • Has been bushfire impacted or is susceptible to bushfire
  • Has a strong existing profile as a nature-based tourism destination
  • Has protected areas and other land which is managed for the primary purpose to maintain and foster thriving natural and cultural values
  • Already has high standard ecotourism products and/or has the potential to grow the ecotourism product offering in the region

While COVID and multiple floods and storm events put things on hold for a while, we have been working hard behind the scenes and are almost ready to be audited which is currently booked in for mid July 2023. 

Bellingen Shire Mayor Steve Allan says that preserving our unique natural environment, community and culture is a priority.

“Together as a Shire, it is important that we develop tourism in a sustainable and responsible way and the Eco Destination certification is a real step towards doing this. It is about reviewing and refining our destination management practices for the long-term sustainability of our region”, he said.

“Our region has a great opportunity to be a strong ambassador and champion with regards to sustainable tourism and we look forward to working with Eco Tourism Australia, businesses and our tourism partners to achieve certification”. 

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