Council Announces Transition in Management of Youth Hub

Published on 24 August 2023


The future is bright for the Bellingen Youth Hub under a revised management structure that will bring a unified approach to the delivery of its valuable services to the young people of the Bellingen Shire and the broader community.

A decision was reached during the August Ordinary Meeting of Council to dissolve the Youth Hub S355 Management Committee and entrust the operational management to the Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire (NCOBS).

The motion was amended to include Council’s commitment to a community forum, where the proposed changes to the management structure will be discussed. Councillors carried the amended motion unanimously, with the decision highlighting Council's ongoing commitment to service delivery at the Youth Hub.

Members of the Youth Hub S355 Management Committee and the Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire Management Committee have expressed their support of the changes.

"I am completely supportive of this transition in management as I am confident that it will further empower the Youth Hub to deliver invaluable services and programs to the Bellingen Shire community well into the future," declared Jim Child, Chairperson of the Youth Hub's S355 Management Committee.

This sentiment was echoed by Roger Horton, Manager of the Neighbourhood Centres of the Bellingen Shire in his presentation at the recent Council meeting.

This strategic move comes after sustained discussions between the Youth Hub S355 Management Committee and the Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire (NCOBS). Throughout this process, there has been consistent consultation between the parties to ensure that the Youth Hub’s services and operations are not affected in the changeover.

Under the proposed arrangement, the dedicated committee members will continue their involvement in a voluntary capacity as a sub-committee of the NCOBS, aligning with the establishment of a new management structure to ensure ongoing coordination and programming at the Youth Hub.

As part of the ongoing service model, Council will enter into a contractual agreement with the Neighbourhood Centres of Bellingen Shire, entrusting them with the management of the Youth Hub Facility and ongoing provision of all youth-related activities, services and programs that are currently funded by the Council.

The Council extends its thanks and appreciation to the Youth Hub S355 Management Committee for their unwavering commitment and enduring contribution to the Youth Hub's management. Their tireless efforts have significantly contributed to the success of the Youth Hub and its impact on the community.

The Youth Hub S355 Management Committee has played a pivotal role in the delivery of activities within the Youth Hub since its inception, and their dedication has impacted the guidance and support provided to countless young members of our community. The Council also acknowledges the committee members role in the negotiations with the NCOBS to ensure a smooth transition for the Youth Hub and the community.

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