Council Seeks Community Input on Draft CBD Master Plans

Published on 21 June 2024


Bellingen Shire Council is excited to announce the public exhibition of draft Master Plans Bellingen, Dorrigo, and Urunga Central Business Districts (CBDs). These plans aim to guide the future of our distinct CBDs, informed by the insights and aspirations of their unique communities.

The development of these draft CBD Master Plans has been a collaborative effort, engaging a broad spectrum of the community. In February 2024, we conducted four in-person and three online workshops, attended by 137 community members. Additionally, an online survey, promoted through street decals in each CBD, garnered 791 responses. A Youth Workshop at the Bellingen Memorial Hall, attended by 43 young people with transport provided for Dorrigo High School students, further enriched the process.

These workshops and surveys have been invaluable, providing local knowledge, lived experiences, and a deep understanding of the aspirations and concerns of each community. Feedback covered a wide range of topics essential for CBD development, including maintaining the unique character and heritage of each area, supporting community facilities, enhancing public spaces, traffic management, environmental conservation, heritage preservation, tourism, art and culture, and integrating First Nations knowledge.

“We are thrilled to present the draft Central Business District Master Plans for Bellingen, Dorrigo, and Urunga and invite our community to provide feedback,” said Mayor Cr. Steve Allan. “This input will help shape the final versions of the master plans, which have been developed through a comprehensive community engagement program.”

Mayor Allan expressed gratitude for the community's involvement so far and encouraged members to review the draft plans and share their feedback. “The final documents will guide future investments in our CBDs and help us target grant opportunities to support these plans,” he added.

The draft CBD Master Plans are now on public exhibition until 5 pm on 11 July 2024. We invite everyone to review the plans and participate in the consultation process. Three online information sessions are scheduled from 2 – 4 July 2024, each focusing on a specific CBD. These sessions will feature urban designers and Council officers explaining the proposals, followed by a Q&A session.

To book an online information session, review the draft documents, and submit feedback, please visit the Council’s Have Your Say page on our website.

Hard copies of the draft documents are available at the Council Chambers and Shire Libraries. Feedback can be submitted via the online portal, email at, or by mail:

General Manager

RE: Bellingen, Dorrigo, and Urunga CBD Master Plans submission,

PO Box 117

Bellingen NSW 2454

Your insights are invaluable in creating vibrant, sustainable, and thriving CBDs that reflect the unique character and needs of the Bellingen Shire. Your participation is crucial to the success of this project, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions.