Council Services Change in line with NSW Roadmap to Reopening
Published on 12 October 2021
As New South Wales enters the first stage of reopening following COVID-19 lockdown on Monday 11 October, Bellingen Shire Council will alter the ways in which services are provided in line with the most recent Public Health Order.
NSW Health’s Public Health Order will see rules change for individuals and businesses, including Council, and will particularly impact unvaccinated adults in terms of the ways goods and services are provided across the state.
The key Council services impacted by the new regulations are:
- Council’s three Branch Libraries at Dorrigo, Urunga and Bellingen
- Council’s two Swim Centres at Bellingen and Dorrigo
- The Bower House Reuse Shop at the Raleigh Waste Management Facility
- Council’s three Visitor Information Centres at Dorrigo, Urunga and Bellingen
- Council’s Community Halls
To ensure compliance with the most recent Public Health Order, those wishing to visit our Shire’s libraries must be fully vaccinated, use QR Code check-in points and provide evidence of vaccination status (fully vaccinated) to library staff upon request.
For residents who are not fully vaccinated, Council will continue to provide a ‘Click & Collect’ service, with external collection points available which do not require that you enter the library, however you are politely requested to ensure that you wear a face mask when using this service.
Again, in keeping with the most recent Public Health Order, those wishing to visit our Shire’s two Swim Centres must also be fully vaccinated, use the QR Code check-in points and provide evidence of checking in and vaccination status (fully vaccinated) to Swim Centre staff upon request.
Council facilities staffed by volunteers, including Council’s three Visitor Information Centers at Dorrigo, Urunga and Bellingen, in addition to the Bower House Reuse Shop at the Raleigh Waste Management Facility will remain closed until proof of vaccination is no longer an entry requirement and Council will continue to work with Community Hall Section 355 Committees on a case-by-case basis.
Please note however that like other essential services our community relies on such as banks and pharmacies, Council’s Bellingen Customer Service Centre does not fit into the category of premises that require mandatory vaccination, however residents are still required to check-in to the premises and wear a mask.
Finally, Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation with onsite signage and staff directions during this time to ensure we can continue to provide the services our community relies in a controlled and safe environment. To find out more about how the new rules impact Council’s services visit