Council’s Customer Service Centre & Branch Libraries to Re-Open
Published on 10 September 2021
Bellingen Shire Council’s Customer Service Centre and three Branch Libraries will re-open under revised operating hours and conditions to reflect the easing of COVID-19 restrictions and the most recent Public Health Order.
Accordingly, Bellingen’s Customer Service Centre will re-open on Monday 13 September 2021 between the hours of 10am-2pm, Monday to Friday, to provide customers with face-to-face access to most council related transactions traditionally available.
Please note however, that due to pending Essential Energy works, the power supply to Council’s Bellingen Customer Service & Administration Centre will be affected and Council’s Customer Service Centre will be closed on Tuesday 14 September 2021.
That means the Customer Service Centre will not be offering face to face contact with customers on Tuesday 14 September 2021, however you will still be able to access the majority of council related information and transactions via the web –, email and by simply calling Council on 6655 7300.
Further, Council’s Dorrigo and Urunga Branch Libraries will also re-open on Tuesday 14 September 2021 as per traditional operating hours, however Bellingen’s Branch Library will be closed on Tuesday 14 September due to the scheduled Essential Energy power outages.
Please also note however, that the Bellingen Brach Library will continue to provide a ‘Click & Collect’ service, with a collection point and signage displayed outside the library, during the temporary closure of the library on Tuesday 14 September 2021.
Council’s three branch libraries will also be operating under restrictions, including the observance of the 4sqm rule in line with the most recent Public Health Order to ensure best practice social distancing protocols are promoted and maintained.
Consequently, Council would like to thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation with onsite signage and staff directions during this time to ensure we can continue to provide the services our community relies in a controlled and safe environment.