Development Application on Public Exhibition Proposed Helipad

Published on 04 December 2024


Frequently Asked Questions 

What is the DA proposing?

The development application (DA) is seeking approval to establish a helipad on a portion of the existing grassed area in the northeastern part of the property. The helipad will be used to transport clients to and from the bed and breakfast establishment operating on the land.

Why is this DA being re-notified again?

The DA will be publicly renotified because the applicant submitted additional information, including an updated Helicopter Noise assessment. This allows members of the community to review the new information and submit comments to Council.

Is this a new DA?

No, the submission of additional information is not a new application. It is part of the original DA, which was submitted to the Council on 2 October 2020 and is still under consideration.

Why is this DA taking so long to make a decision?

Several factors have contributed to the delay, including resourcing challenges at Council, the need to seek external expert advice to assist with the assessment of the application and further time to request additional information from the applicant.

What has changed from before?

The applicant has not altered the original proposal, but has provided additional information, particularly regarding potential noise impacts, which will now be subject to further assessment by Council.

Where does the helicopter fly from and to?

The helicopter will operate on a single flight path over the State Forest to the southeast of the property. The helipad will not be used in unsuitable conditions, such as windy weather. No alternative flight paths have been proposed by the applicant.

How many flights are proposed?

The applicant anticipates that a maximum of four guest bookings per year will request helicopter services. Therefore, each booking involves two helicopter trips (one arrival flight and one departure flight) or four (4) helicopter movements per booking, resulting in up to 16 helicopter movements annually – eight (8) arrivals and eight (8)departures.

When will the flights be operating?

Flights are proposed to operate between 10:00am and 5:00pm, on any day of the week. Outside of these hours, or during unsuitable weather conditions, the helicopter will land at Coffs Harbour Airport. The helicopter is not based on site, and there is no re-fuelling or helicopter maintenance proposed on site.

Can I make a submission?

Yes, the additional information will be made publicly available for 14 days. During this period, members of the community are invited to submit written comments to the Council. All submissions will be carefully considered in the assessment of the application.

Who is the decision maker?

Consistent with Councils Public Participation Plan, the application will be a decision made by the elected members of the Council should more than five (5) objections be received. The application will be presented to a formal Council meeting in the new year.

What if I have any questions?

Council staff will be available to answer any questions in relation to the DA and the additional information. Relevant contact details will be provided on the notification letters and Council’s website during the re-notification period.

Application can be found via the DA tracker