Projects Spring to Life Across Our Shire
Published on 09 September 2021
As you drive in and around our Shire, you’ll notice that there’s been a whole range of road, bridge and community infrastructure projects going on, and there’s a lot more projects in the pipeline to be delivered when you have a look at this year’s Capital Works Program.
Roadworks recently completed in our Shire include Stage One works on the Promised Land Loop Road, which saw Council invest $190,000 and allocate a further $1.707M of Fixing Local Road Funds this financial year towards repairing and resealing approximately six kilometres of Gleniffer Road to maintain this important transport corridor.
Stage One works along Valery Road have also been completed, with encroaching vegetation removed along a 500m section of the road to improve onsite drainage during severe weather events and to allow for this section of road to be re-sealed with new bitumen.
The old toilet block at Burdett Park has also been demolished and its carpark upgraded, and new landscaping works completed to provide our local sporting clubs with improved and accessible facilities they can enjoy for many seasons to come.
Council also continues to work towards realising the vison of the Atherton Drive Master Plan and has recently bitumen sealed the entire 1,270 metre length of Atherton Drive to cater for the popularity of this family friendly picnic and fishing destination.
There’s also more than $4.8M committed towards current and future road work projects, including the current upgrade of Little North Arm Road and Stage Two of the Promised Land Loop Road Project, which will repair and reseal another 900-metre section of the road which is in poor condition.
Stages Two and Three of the Valery Road Upgrade Project are also underway to improve onsite drainage during severe weather events and to allow for an additional 1.5 kilometre this section of road to be re-sealed with new bitumen.
Onsite works are also underway to prepare sections of North Bank Road, totalling 5.3 kilometres, for bitumen repair and reseal works during the warmer months this year when Council will also continue to reseal segments of Deer Vale Road, which will total 6.7 kilometres once completed.
A total of $21.6M in funds is also accelerating the delivery of our Bridge Renewal Program, which will remove and replace twenty-seven bridges across our Shire so our local community, farmers and businesses can all safely travel across our transport network.
Current Bridge Renewal Projects include the removal and replacement of Tallowwood Point Bridge, located approximately seven kilometres from the Gleniffer Four-Way Intersection, and conducting geotechnical investigations to replace five key bridges along the flood impacted Kalang Road.
Future Bridge Renewal Projects are also being managed through the design, tender and pre-construction phases, including the $1.66M removal and replacement of Richardson’s Bridge, an old single lane, five-span timber bridge located on Darkwood Road, Darkwood.
The $1.99M replacement of the old Bielsdown River load limited timber bridge on Coramba Road is also scheduled to be replaced with a two-lane concrete bridge and shared pathway so the 500 plus vehicles that use the bridge daily can continue to travel safely well into the future.
Community infrastructure projects to the value of more than $1.8M are also scheduled to be delivered during this financial year, including the upgrade of the children’s playground area at Dangar Falls so it will be easier for those with a disability, seniors, families and children to enjoy their visit to the falls.
Stage One of the Dorrigo to Dangar Falls Project is also currently under construction and once Stage Two of the project is completed, the thousands of visitors who stop and visit the falls will also be able to walk to Dorrigo’s Town Centre via a new and convenient two-kilometre pathway.
$250,000 in funding has also been allocated towards an estimated project budget of $530,000 to demolish and replace the failing timber retaining walls along Ford and Crown Streets in Bellingen and replace the adjoining gutters, footpaths and re-seal the bitumen road once works are completed.
So there’s a lot going on, and with more than $18.53M of projects identified for delivery during this financial year’s Capital Works Program, Council staff are currently finalising a resourcing strategy to ensure we are in a strong position to deliver these priority projects throughout our Shire.