The New Year Welcomes in New Council
Published on 25 January 2022
The New year has welcomed in a new Mayor and Council, with seven recently elected Councillors taking an Oath of Office today, Tuesday 25 January 2022, during an official ceremony held at Council Chambers prior to the first Ordinary Meeting of Council.
The Ceremony featured Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremonies, the taking of the Oath of Office followed by a meet and greet morning tea with the newly elected councillors and their families and friends.
In attendance was the newly elected Mayor for Bellingen Shire, Councillor Steve Allan and four new councillors, Councillor Jo Brotherton, Councillor Joanne Cook, Councillor Stephen Glyde and Councillor Elie Tree, with Councillor Dominic King and Councillor Jennie Fenton returning to serve another term.
Mayor, Councillor Steve Allan said, “he was honoured to have been given the opportunity to represent our community and the Shire”.
General Manager Liz Jeremy extended a congratulations to returning and newly elected Councillors indicating “It’s going to be an exciting time working with both our new and returning councillors, because we need to hit the ground running as there’s a lot to be done to address the challenges and opportunities we face now and into the future.”
Mayor Allan added that “I’d also like to congratulate each and every councillor who has been elected and thank them for their passion to make a difference, but we all know it’s not actually about us, it’s about the community who elected us and making sure we deliver on their vision for the future.”
“That’s why we’ll continue to talk to our residents and ratepayers, so we can focus on the local issues that affect us all, protect what we all value and love about our Shire and responsibly managing our council so our families and future generations can continue to live and work in our Shire.”
To view highlights from the Oath of Office Ceremony, or to view the Ordinary Council Meeting held on Tuesday 25 January 2022 visit Council’s website where you can also stay up to date with all Council meetings throughout the year.