Have Your Say - Disability Inclusion Action Plan Review
Published on 18 November 2021
Bellingen Shire Council is reviewing its current Disability Inclusion Access Plan (DIAP) for 2022 – 2025. The DIAP is an extremely important document which puts access and inclusion at the centre of council’s business. It guides Council in improving access to facilities, services, programs, and information in our Shire, so that people with disabilities can participate in all areas of community life. The plan will be an integrated part of Councils Operational Plan and will identify strategies that will address four key areas of focus:
• Developing positive community attitudes and behaviours
• Creating liveable communities
• Supporting access to meaningful employment
• Improving access to services through better systems and processes
The community, and especially members of the community with additional needs and carers of people with a disability, are encouraged to complete the survey
Complete the Survey
Hard copies of the survey are also available during business hours at the Bellingen Shire Council Administration Building, 33 Hyde Street, Bellingen and at the Dorrigo, Bellingen, and Urunga Libraries, during opening hours.
Surveys need to be completed by Monday 31 January 2022.
For further details please contact the Community Wellbeing Planning Officer on 6655 7300