Items on Public Exhibition

The Public Exhibition of documents is a great opportunity for you to have your say on important Council-generated documents like strategies, policies, development plans, and planning information.

Planning Proposals

Are the way in which changes are made to the Bellingen Local Environmental Plan 2010 (BLEP 2010) .The BLEP 2010 is the central piece of planning legislation that governs what you can or cannot do on your property.  It zones land for different types of uses (eg: Rural, Residential, Industrial), prescribes what activities are permitted or prohibited in those areas, identifies whether land can be subdivided, and protects things like heritage and other environmental features. When changes to the BLEP 2010 are being considered it is important to ensure that the views of the community are sought as part of the planning process. If Council is currently seeking the views of the community regarding a change to the BLEP 2010 then all relevant information will be made available through this page. 

Planning Agreements

A planning agreement is a voluntary agreement between a planning authority (eg. Council) and a Developer, under which the Developer is required to dedicate land free of cost, pay a monetary contribution, or provide any other material public benefit, or any combination of them, to be used for or applied towards a public purpose. Planning Agreements are commonly used throughout the State and provide an element of flexibility within what can be a rigid planning system, to allow for unique planning outcomes that provide demonstrable public benefits. Public consultation is an essential component of the development of a planning agreement. If Council is currently seeking the views of the community regarding a Draft Planning Agreement then all relevant information will be made available via this page. 


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Plans, drawings and other documents that can be viewed on this website are protected by the copyright laws of Australia and other countries through international treaties. You must obtain the permission of the copyright owner if you wish to copy, reproduce, print, publish, communicate or adapt any part of a copyright document. You are not entitled to copy, reproduce, print, publish, communicate or adapt the plans, drawings and other documents associated with development applications made available on this website in a way that breaches the copyright.